Another week in Staines, with the routine pretty firmly established now. Early start on a Monday, lunchtime dart on a Friday, a night out with Simon and a DVD series in the evenings.
Essentially the story of two Liverpool scallies - Billy and Icky - who leave the city to start a new life in Wales, near the site of a school trip Billy had enjoyed some years earlier. The boys hook up with Kidder, an ex-schoolteacher who lives in a semi-derelict cottage. The story is essentially about the relationship between the two boys, and between the boys and Kidder. Unfortunately there are no happy endings although one of the boys, at least, comes out of the story a stronger, more mature person.
The series was as affecting and moving as I remember it being all those years ago, although there were many details I'd forgotten - or failed to pick up on at the time. If you chance upon a copy of the DVD - going for a song on Amazon - then it's definitely worth a few hours of your time.
You can find out more about the series here, if you're interested.

Here's some grainy footage of the boys playing Stevie Wonder's 'Superstition' - not as well as Stevie Ray Vaughan, and certainly not as well as Steveland himself. But it still has a smidgen of charm, and demonstrates exactly where Nigel Tufnel got his haircut from!
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