The system is a little bit Heath Robinson - basically everyone has a little plastic wallet with their paperwork inside, which you put in a box placed on the edge of a desk, then you wait until your name is called. It feels almost like a raffle - you half expect the wallets to be shuffled then drawn out with a flourish by a minor celebrity....but no. After being moved around by a security guard ("you can't stand there, sir") I eventually got a seat and people began to get 'processed'. Whether by chance or design my name was called just about on the appointed time, and I took my seat opposite a very nice lady who asked me a few questions about my job search, apologised for the confusion around the waiting area (apparently they have recently changed systems so now people have appointed times to turn up - rather than just turning up when they felt like it on the appointed day).
So after about ten minutes of this, I got to sign my name on a slip of paper and that's it for another fortnight. Still not a pleasant experience, but nothing like as bad as I was expecting.
Earlier in the day I finally submitted my application for a job over in the Leeds area, and spoke to a recruitment consultant about the possibility of some temporary work. The same firm had called me last night to talk through another opportunity but unfortunately the level is too junior to be of interest....yet! Still, they are happy to talk to me and do have me in mind for opportunities out there.
The daily trawl of the web produced little of interest, but there's one other role that I'm going to go after that was advertised in the paper last week. Bit of a long shot, but still....
Loads of messages today from ex-colleagues up and down the country, which was nice. Well, better than nice, actually, good to know that I've not been cut adrift and that losing a job doesn't mean losing friendships as well. It would also appear these daily ramblings are attracting some attention as well!

Toad in the Hole tonight, I've decided - and the batter is mixed and 'resting'. Bit of an experiment, not cooked this before and the batter looks ominously runny at the moment (even after a flour top-up) but we'll give it a go. I can always pull the sausages out and chuck the batter away. Oh, and onion gravy. Yummy! Mrs W will have a fit.
Paul, Ann-Maire and I would like to know what time to come round tonight? Toad in the hole sounds lovely!
I am still working on Mrs D about the festival. Won't get the full 4 nights but you never know we may come to a compromise....
Been a long time since I have been called lightweight!
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