A nice lazy day today, in contrast to yesterday, when I boxed off all my outstanding chores. So having walked the dog early on, I've been chillin', reading the paper, tinkering on t'internet and generally recharging in advance of the return to work on Monday.

Fortunately, within this community are a number of people who had the drive, time and technical wherewithal to design and launch an alternative to the Word website, and so 'The Afterword' (see what they did there?) came into being. The intention was to mirror, as closely as possible, the original site, albeit without the ties to the magazine. Over time, the vast majority of regular contributors have migrated across to The Afterword, and a number of new faces have also started to make a contribution. Overall the transition has been pretty seamless, albeit with the odd hiccup and bout of navel-gazing. If anything, the site's a better place than the old one, being run by the contributors rather than by the magazine staff. Anyway, the link's over there - get yourself over there and registered!

Anyway, I've been listening to the great Curtis Mayfield while writing this, and for the second day running it's a film soundtrack - this time for Superfly, one of a series of 'Blaxploitation' flicks made in the seventies. I'm pretty sure I've never seen Superfly, but that doesn't matter - it couldn't possibly live up to the soundtrack anyway.
Curtis's voice was one of the sweetest in gospel/soul, and it remains sweet here, despite the subject matter - in fact, the contrast between the sweetness of the voice and the toughness of the lyric works incredibly well.
Here's Curtis back in 1973, performing 'Freddie's Dead'...
How serendipitous, Mr Waring! Guess what LP I was listening to yesterday? Yep, Superfly. Like you, I don't think I've ever seen the film. As you say, it's bound to be a disappointment when the soundtrack is as good as this.
I've also, you'll be glad to know, taught my boy to fold his arms like the gun-toting chap on the cover and say: "Superflyyyyyy..." in a cool dude accent. My work here is done.
Excellent work Mrs Drake! Now get him started on the lyric to 'Shaft'!
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