So, my fortnight off work edges towards its close and - inevitably - Catholic Guilt kicked in this morning. All those things I was going to do, that hadn't yet got done - well, today was the day, I suppose.
Firstly though, it was off to the woods again with the dog. Nice, crisp morning - and for possibly the first time, we didn't see a soul on our circuit of the forest. In an attempt to liven up proceedings a bit, Archie found something rank-smelling beside the path, and decided to roll in it. He looked suitably pleased with himself. Rather stupidly, I rubbed the dark patch on his flank to see if it would come off. It wouldn't, but it did succeed in transferring plenty of the smell from him to me.
I frowned down at the dog.
The dog grinned back.
"What?" that grin seemed to say. "I'm a dog! This is what we do! Woof!"

Luckily, we have a dog that is not averse to a drop of water. Specifically, the shower. So, upstairs we went. Me, stripped to the waist. Shower on. Dog in shower. Me, half in and half out of shower, desperately trying to get water onto the rankest bits of the dog. All too soon, the dog realised that this was not a game and decided to stop playing - at which point he dived past me, into the bedroom, to get dry. Which he did by jumping on the bed and rolling around until water, residual mud - and residual rankness - was transferred from him, onto the bed.
I love him really.

Back inside, and with the kitchen floor swept and mopped, and the freezer emptied for defrosting, I was - finally - done with the chores.
*Smug face*
Most of today's jobs were done to a musical accompaniment - as are most things in my life, to be honest - and today we've been accompanied by the Oasis brothers, the Trash Can Sinatras, David Bowie and a suitably mucky compilation from the lovely drakeygirl (whose blog you should also read - link over there to the right). I also listened to a great compilation of stuff by Tony Joe White, reminding me just how much I love that 'Swamp Rock' vibe.

Watching it many years later, the film itself comes across as a bit 'slight' - but the soundtrack is still wonderful. Loosely 'rock 'n' roll', but also with plenty of doo-wop as well, the music evokes the era at least as well as the film itself.
Here's the Del Vikings with 'Come Go With Me' - apparently one of the songs a young John Lennon sang to Paul McCartney on the day they met at Walton Village fete all those years ago...
1 comment:
Fox shit probably Paul, known to be vile but dogs love it apparently.
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