Woke up to hear, sadly, of a few tent robberies in our vicinity although, thankfully, none of them affecting our little party. It helps, I think, camping as a largish group, with plenty of us coming and going all the time - and, of course, by taking sensible precautions - all my valuables (which basically means wallet, keys, phone and camera) stay with me in the sleeping bag at night, and travel with me during the day.

Back at the campsite, got a text from an old school mate of mine. I'd not seen Trefor for around 30 years, but here he was, attending his first Glastonbury at the age of *cough* and up for a meet.

Left Trefor with his wife and mates and off to meet up with Sarah and Gareth. Sarah and I used to work together and this was also her first Glastonbury, so I'd agreed to show them round. Owing to the vagaries of the site's mobile coverage, it took a while to make contact, but when we did, she suggested a good place to meet up.
And where else to meet but the Cider Bus?

Whilst thing were beginning to pick up on the entertainment front today, there was nothing that really pulled at us so we hung around the campsite for the most part this evening, although some of the more active team members went off to the Dance Village or up to the Stone Circle. Truth be known, the pace was beginning to tell and somehow I'd managed to go another 24 hours eating nothing but a handful of peanuts and a couple of cereal bars. So feeling rather sorry for myself I sloped off to bed early.
Memo to self: EAT SOMETHING!
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